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Phases of a Paradigm Shift



Normal Science


Normal Science or "Puzzle Solving", is refered to as the everyday operations of scientists who believe that the problems they face have a solution.  This solution can only be found through continued use of the scientific method.  Only one paradigm is employed at this stage through which all members of the scientific community work through.  





During the course of normal science, a phenomenom has occurred that directly violates the rules and laws of the current paradigm.  It's a segment of the puzzle solving in which there is no way the puzzle piece (anomaly) fits the grand scheme. This phenomenom is in state where it cannot be solved by the current paradigm and there is no solution or idea to how this new information fits in.  




With the newfound anomaly present, scientists are faced with a number of new challenged.  The crisis is first encountered when the anomaly is unable to be solved by the current paradigm and the field begins to pursue alternative measures and theories to solve the puzzle.  Even during normal science, anomalies are expected to occur that will not induce a crisis.  In the event that a crisis could be taking place, these signs may become prevalent:


  • anomaly becomes more widely accepted

  • field becomes to look different

  • Some scientists may leave field

  • Anomaly is given a structure

  • Generate/propose new theories





Crisis becomes unescapable and members of the scientific community choose to adopt a new framework for a paradigm that solves the anomalies. Usually two communities’ develop: one that attempts to find a new paradigm and another that continues to defend the old paradigm. The group wanting to adopt a new paradigm shifts their attention to persuading and encouraging the other group to join with them through assimilation.

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